Friday, January 10, 2014

Jonesy's Vivienne Westwood Let It Rock Dog Portrait

I just finished painting this portrait of a cute Yorkshire Terrier wearing a vintage Vivienne Westwood t-shirt.  

I started this painting knowing that I wanted to do something inspired by Vivienne Westwood's early punk collections, and I've always loved her chicken bone "Rock" shirts.  It seemed perfect (and humorous) to have a dog wearing a bone shirt spelling out "Bones."

Vivienne Westwood Collection "Let It Rock" Chicken Bone T-shirt - 1972

I decided to paint a Yorkshire Terrier because they're so cute, but can look a little scruffy and can be a bit feisty (and can pull off punk).  I named this little guy Jonesy after Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols (who is amazing).  Also, if you look closely you can see that Jonesy is wearing Sid Vicious's iconic chain necklace as a collar and I added a few safety pins for effect.


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